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Securing the window with Secuyou Smart Lock - Security Frame

If you have a window that is exposed, we have the solution.

Secuyou Smart Lock - Security Frame locks the window frame and sash. This ensures that the window cannot be broken open from the outside and opened from the inside. It fits all windows, both handle-operated and hasp-operated windows.

Here you can see the safety lock on a handle-operated window and a hasp window.

The lock is of course battery-powered (2xAAA) and is controlled from the same iOS app as our well-known patio door lock.

How it works:

When you are home, the lock and app will automatically connect and the lock will unlock, allowing you to open the window without having to do anything.

Do you want to lock the window, e.g. at night you can close the app or lock the window you want via the app.

When you leave your home, it locks automatically when the Bluetooth connection is lost. This of course applies to the last person who leaves the house and has the app installed.

The locking function itself works by the bracket on the window frame having a bolt that goes into the lock box on the window frame. The bolt locks when locked and prevents breaking/opening.

Here you can see the bracket / bolt and lock box (holds a pull of 600 K g)

You can assemble it yourself, see the product here, click here