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Here's where your new Smart Lock fits

If you have these types of door handles or locks on your patio door, you can easily make a replacement and install your new one Smart Lock. You can easily install an exterior handle and gain access from the outside via your app.
If you have these types of door handles or locks on your patio door, with or without an external handle, Smart Lock. You replace the inside part of the lock with a Smart Lock and reuse the outside handle. This allows you to gain access from the outside via your app.

Smart Lock also fits Swedish/Norwegian balcony doors with horizontal and external handles. You replace the internal part of the lock with a Smart Lock and reuse the external handle. You can then gain access from the outside via your app.

Here is the finished installation from one of our Swedish customers.

If you are unsure, you are always welcome to write to us and send us a picture of your door and door handle. You should write to [email protected] [email protected or chat with us via messenger, we write in Danish, Swedish and English.